Familias Unidas con Niños con Necesidades Especiales (FUNNE)
Second Saturday of the Month 9:30-11:00am
FUNNE offers monthly support group and educational meetings in Spanish for families with children with special needs. As a collaborative effort of area providers and organizations, FUNNE offers families and caretakers of children who have a disability the tools they need to overcome the barriers they face in obtaining care and support for their loved ones. Education provides the foundation needed to understand and best handle their child’s needs. Program activities include group discussions, presentations by experts and providers on community resources, and social events. Children do fun educational activities in child care while their parents meet. This program is made possible through grants from the Apostolate to Persons with Disabilities along with the support of many community partners.
To register: Contact Jeliel Peña de First at 608-405-1225. All are welcome.